Spell Booked Retired Witches Mysteries Joyce and Jim Lavene Books

Spell Booked Retired Witches Mysteries Joyce and Jim Lavene Books
I liked the premise of this book, a group of soon-to-retire witches must find their replacements to pass on their magic and spell book. Things go awry when Olivia is murdered. Not only murdered but their spell book was stolen.Molly (married to a non-magical policeman,) and Elsie are left with their sorrow as well as dealing with still sourcing out new witches. Who murdered Olivia, a witch or a non-witch and why? I mean these witches are not special but are slowly losing their abilities when the years passing.
A nice cozy read.

Tags : Amazon.com: Spell Booked (Retired Witches Mysteries) (9780425268254): Joyce and Jim Lavene: Books,Joyce and Jim Lavene,Spell Booked (Retired Witches Mysteries),Berkley,042526825X,Mystery & Detective - Women Sleuths,Incantations,Magic,Murder - Investigation,Murder;Fiction.,Mystery fiction,Private investigators,Retirees,Theft;Fiction.,Wilmington (N.C.),Witches,Witches;Fiction.,AMERICAN MYSTERY & SUSPENSE FICTION,Crime & mystery,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Mystery & Detective Cozy General,FICTION Mystery & Detective Women Sleuths,FICTION Occult & Supernatural,Fiction,Fiction - Mystery Detective,Fiction-Mystery & Detective,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Monograph Series, any,MysterySuspense,Paranormal fiction,United States,Cats; cozy; cozy mystery; fantasy; fiction; ghosts; magic; murder; mystery; mystery series; paranormal; supernatural; suspense; urban fantasy; witches; aging; the south; southern; adoption; mystery books; cozy mysteries; crime books; detective novels; paranormal romance; murder mystery books; mystery and thrillers; joyce and jim lavene books; paranormal mysteries; paranormal mystery; supernatural mysteries; cozy mystery books; police; demons; books mystery; paranormal books; mysteries and thrillers; mysteries,books mystery;paranormal books;mysteries and thrillers;mysteries;mystery books;joyce and jim lavene books;murder mystery books;crime books;paranormal mysteries;paranormal mystery;supernatural mysteries;cozy mystery books;cozy mysteries;Cats;cozy;cozy mystery;fantasy;fiction;ghosts;magic;murder;mystery;mystery series;paranormal;supernatural;suspense;urban fantasy;witches;aging;the south;southern;adoption;detective novels;paranormal romance;mystery and thrillers;police;demons,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Mystery & Detective Cozy General,FICTION Mystery & Detective Women Sleuths,FICTION Occult & Supernatural,Fiction - Mystery Detective,American Mystery & Suspense Fiction,Paranormal fiction,Fiction,MysterySuspense,Crime & mystery
Spell Booked Retired Witches Mysteries Joyce and Jim Lavene Books Reviews
Molly, Olivia, and Elsie are witches! They are getting older. They want to retire to Boca in Florida where many witches have retired. They are trying to recruit some younger witches to take their place in their Curio shop so that they can retire. They have their eye on the local librarian in town, when they find out that Olivia has been murdered!
Molly's husband is a cop and received the call about Olivia's death! There is only one thing that Molly does not share with her husband, Joe, that she is a witch! Also that her friends are witches too!
The book is way cool as the two remaining friends with some help try to find out who killed Olivia! The book kept my interest until the very end with many concepts about air witches, water witches and spell books, some werewolves were thrown in to round out the paranormal experience!
I enjoyed the experience and wished that both authors were still living so they could still be writing such great books!
I cannot wait for our book discussion on Facebook on this book, it should be a good one!
Magic-themed mystery novels tend to come in two basic flavors, comic and portentous. Both can be hard to pull off, especially in a contemporary setting. If you’re in the mood for a comic one, *Spell Booked* is a very good choice! The characters are vivid and down-to-earth, their setting is rich with detail, the plot complicated. I giggled at the interactions among the core trio of witches, especially after one of them . . . changes, and I enjoyed the flashes of deeper feeling that arose from the storyline.
The story opens in Wilmington, North Carolina, with a coven of witches who are getting up in years and want to retire. But they can’t do so until they recruit new witches to take their place. (Why this should be so is not really spelled out.) Their efforts in this direction are interrupted by murder, break-ins, thefts, and other mayhem. Although the husband of the central character is a police detective and the police are trying to investigate these crimes, most of the detecting has to be done by the witches, because regular humans are not supposed to know about witchly matters.
The Wilmington setting is described, but not with a specificity that would have made me feel I was there (could have been more atmospherics to make the setting seem less generic). There also could have been a little more backstory; despite the fact that this is the first novel in the Retired Witches series, we seem to be pitched into the middle of an ongoing situation right at the beginning, and it took me a while to get on board. Because it is part of a series, there are also some threads left dangling at the end. But the core story had a satisfying arc and there was enough resolution that you don’t feel tricked into buying the next one right away! You may want to, though, if you develop as much affection for the characters as I did.
This book just didn't work for me. I never connected with the characters and found them rather silly and not in a fun way but in a I'm rolling my eyes way. They were very immature and some of the scenes (like selling tickets to poke the witch) were just ridiculous. I had hoped the mystery would save this book but I didn't find it well written. Throughout the mystery we are given some obvious red herrings but when you get to the final part of the book the culprit was someone that had no real motive or involvement in the previous part of the book. I want a few hints along the way in my mysteries so that I at least stand a chance of figuring it out. What I don't want is the villain dumped in my lap with a motive manufactured in the last few pages just to wrap things up.
I also felt the pacing was off and the middle of the story bored me as the witches ran around following clues that led them nowhere. So while some may like this it wasn't my cup of tea.
I don't think I am a mean-spirited person, but for the life of me I cannot fathom where the 4 & 5 star reviews are coming from. I have not read this author team before, so I can't compare it with other books they have written. The premise here that witches become seniors with erratic powers seemed amusing but I had to force myself to finish the book. There was no meaningful character development & I have to admit I could not feel empathy for any of them. They were like cardboard cut-outs who needed minders. The young witch, Dorothy, was positively insipid. She was an insult to librarians everywhere. Secondary characters popped in and out of nowhere with little explanation or motivation for their actions. The plot was disjointed and silly, with some actions brutish and others vulgar. It aimed for whimsy but just ended up leaving a very bad taste behind.
Three older witches are trying to find replacements so they can retire. Unfortunately one of them is murdered and the other two try to find the murderer.
I really enjoyed this book. I liked the quirkiness of the characters. I liked that they were not young but my age and older. As I got to know them and the world in which they live, I got into the story. I looked forward to getting home from work to pick it up and get back into this world. Wonderful world building!
The mystery was believable. I did not figure out who it was. I kept thinking other people outside of who Molly and Elsie believed. When the murderer is finally revealed I was shocked. Not what I expected.
This is a quick read but so satisfying. I look forward to more in this series.
I liked the premise of this book, a group of soon-to-retire witches must find their replacements to pass on their magic and spell book. Things go awry when Olivia is murdered. Not only murdered but their spell book was stolen.
Molly (married to a non-magical policeman,) and Elsie are left with their sorrow as well as dealing with still sourcing out new witches. Who murdered Olivia, a witch or a non-witch and why? I mean these witches are not special but are slowly losing their abilities when the years passing.
A nice cozy read.

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